
parent and teach safe kids



Don’t let your child attach themselves to a device or ever dream of being bored!

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Join the new craze across the nation
Pickleball is so fun!
It is played on a court the size of badminton,
You use a large ping pong type paddle, and a
Whiffle ball. By playing with four people to 11 points you get a work out,
and have a great time. In my home town there is one court now available
At Crane Park! A great, economical, family activity!
Let’s all get out and have fun!

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I Used to Be Pro Choice

When I was a young woman, I was pro choice. Never having had a child,
And being of a young mind, I had not taken the time to read, and think,
And understand what life meant, it’s worth. As I grew older I discussed it for years with my husband and eventually we both came to the same conclusion, ” Who speaks for the Child?”
As a child safety advocate, how could I not be pro life? Pro Child?
I think this gentleman said it well.

Re “Time for ‘family values’ Congress to value families” (Opinions, Jan. 26): You claim that some California congressmen are picking on kids and pregnant women by being “eager to force pregnant women to have unwanted children.” Take an honest look at the alternative: allow pregnant women to kill unwanted children – how is that not “picking on kids”?
Would you also advocate for allowing women to kill any “unwanted” children after birth? Those pro-life congressmen simply know the scientific fact you deny: Except for location, there is no difference in the humanity of an unborn baby and a born baby. Passing through the birth canal is a 12-inch physical change of location, not a transformation from blob of tissue to human being. The “choice” you stand for is simple: Pregnant women, mothers already, must choose between having a live baby or causing a dead baby. Standing up for defenseless unborn babies is virtuous; support for abortion is the epitome of anti-family values.
– Steve Beck, Merced


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Your parents let you out, let your children out!

What was your favorite activity outside of your parents eyesight?
Playing at a park, bike riding, building forts, tree climbing?
Mine was Cardboard Sliding!
In Marin County in the Summer, there were hills covered in golden dry grasses.
Armed with opened, cardboard boxes, my troop of friends and I slid down the hills, re climbed, and slid again for hours, I didn’t have an ounce of fat on me, I was happy, I was safe, and I was learning a lot about friendship an self reliance.
There are not more dangers today, as many parents believe, but there are a lot more children left without the empowerment, and awareness skills needed to engage as a healthy, strong member of society.
Somehow parents have begun over the last twenty years to cocoon
their children, instead of teaching basic safety so that children can think for themselves.
I wrote a book for parents and teachers, about children protecting themselves, using a basic safety plan, covering themselves like inner armor,
with the knowledge of how to handle situations that any person will run into.
Lenore Skenazy, in her book, blog and television show emphasizes
That as known as her favorite nickname, “World’s Worst Mom,”
Teaches parents that helicopter parenting cripples our children.

Follow me at , TeachSafety, on Twitter, Follow Lenore, at
Worlds Worst Mom.
Go to Amazon and order your copy of What Should You Do?
Helping Children Protect Themselves in the Twenty-First Century,
Tate Publishing
By Melinda Reynolds Tripp



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1) Wrap 25 Christmas or Hanukkah books, old ones , and maybe a few surprise new ones!
Then each night have the children choose which they will open and read
Before bedtime.

2) Watch the anticipation, and happiness with both the familiar stories

3) Advent calendars are fun for counting down till Christmas, but I've
al ways thought books have such a special place in our hearts.

4) Enjoy the coming of the season……….


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